Ashley Rowan
Ashley Rowan
December 6th, 2023

What is a Google Voice Phone Number?

Google Voice is a telecommunications service offered by Google that allows users to obtain a virtual phone number. Unlike a traditional phone number, a Google Voice number is not tied to a specific device or carrier. Instead, it can be used to forward calls, send and receive text messages, and manage voicemail through a web-based platform or a dedicated mobile app.

Benefits of Using Google Voice

  1. Privacy Protection: One of the primary advantages of using Google Voice is the ability to keep your personal phone number private. You can give out your Google Voice number for online transactions, business dealings, or any situation where you may be concerned about your personal information.

  2. Call Forwarding: Google Voice allows you to forward calls to multiple devices, such as your home phone, work phone, or mobile phone. This feature ensures that you never miss an important call, even if you are not near your primary phone.

  3. Voicemail Transcription: Google Voice provides automatic voicemail transcription, allowing you to read your voicemails as text messages or emails. This can be incredibly convenient for quickly assessing the content of a message.

Why You Should Be Cautious

While Google Voice offers several benefits, it is essential to be cautious when receiving texts or calls from Google Voice numbers for the following reasons:

  1. Anonymity: Google Voice allows users to create virtual phone numbers with relative ease. This anonymity can be attractive to individuals with malicious intentions, such as scammers, fraudsters, or harassers. They can use Google Voice numbers to hide their true identity.

  2. Potential Scams: Scammers often use Google Voice numbers to carry out phishing scams, robocalls, or other fraudulent activities. They may impersonate legitimate organizations or government agencies, making it essential to verify the legitimacy of any calls or texts received from such numbers.

  3. Untraceable Communication: Google Voice calls and texts can be challenging to trace back to the original sender, making it difficult for law enforcement or individuals to report or track down malicious users.

  4. Limited Account Verification: Google Voice account creation does not require stringent verification processes, making it easier for individuals with ill intentions to obtain a Google Voice number without providing accurate information.

  5. Difficulty in Blocking: Google Voice users can block unwanted calls or texts, but malicious users may create new Google Voice numbers to bypass blocks, making it an ongoing challenge to prevent unwanted communication.


Google Voice is a valuable communication tool that offers numerous benefits, including privacy protection and call forwarding. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when receiving texts or calls from Google Voice numbers. Anonymity, potential scams, and the difficulty of tracing and blocking users can make interactions with such numbers risky. Always verify the legitimacy of incoming calls or messages and be cautious when sharing personal information. Staying vigilant can help you make the most of Google Voice's advantages while protecting yourself from potential threats in the digital world.